Monday 7 December 2009

Pokoknya FISH !

Waktu itu aq lagi terbang kemana ya, hmm lupa kemana tapi yg pasti rute ke jepang..Kebayakan orang Jepang emang gak bagus kan ya inggrisnya, khususnya orang2 yang udah tuwir, bukannya gak bagus lagi tapi emang gak bisa inggris. Well, waktunya makan nih ya..meal time, menunya adalah Beef with rice And Chicken with potatoes. Aq tawarin dong ya....gini nih conversationnya :

"Excuse me, today we have beef with rice and chicken with potatoes, which one wud u prefer?" penumpang itu serius gitu dengerinnya dan ngangguk2 penuh kepastian..
"FISH" wah kurang jelas apa ya aye ngomongnya?? hmmm..aye ulang thu ya.
"No, we have...bla bla bla" krik krik krik....."BEEF oR CHICKEN??" tanyaku lagi.
"FISH" Omaiii !! gw blg no fish, only beef n chicken. "NO FISH" sambil mulai kumat pantomin gw..tangan disilang didepan dada, plus gerakan ikan swimming di aer. udah gila kali ya gw. smoga aja kagak ada yg rekam trs taruh di utube. memalukan psti tuh.kekeke.

Mereka ngangguk2..FUhh akhirnya ngerti juga, batin ku gitu. "so?u want beef?" mereka angguk2.."or chicken?" mereka angguk2 juga. wealahhh.......yasudahlah kuberikanlah apa aja yg ada di tangan. hahahaha...apa apa mau, wong gak dong juga dia. weslah. ra po2. monggo dimakan pokoke mau sapi, ayam opo iwak. nggeh tho. nggeeeehhhhhh...le penting wareg. (baca:kenyang) hihihihihihihi

Sunday 6 December 2009

First Aid Kit

1. Faint
- Lay the patient down and raise legs. If the patient cant lie down, put his head between his knees.
- Loosen tight clothing, allow plenty of fresh air.
- Inhale Ammonia Inhalant if necessary.
- Dont leave patient unattended
- When the patient regains consciousness gradually raise the patient and give sips of water

2. Unconsciousness
- Open the airway
- Check the breathing (a) if the breathing has stopped, mouth to mouth resuscitation (b) if breathing and pulse stopped, start CPR immediately
- if both present, place him in the recovery position with head turned to one side
- Loosen tight clothing
- Give oxygen if necessary
- Keep patient warm
- Get medical aid immediately

NB. Dont leave patient unattended and keep close observation, Dont give anything by mouth.

3. Nose Bleeding
- Sit the patient down with the head slightly forward
- Pinch the soft part of the nose firmly for 5-10 minutes
- Advise him to breath through the mouth and not to blow the nose
- Tell the patient to spit out any blood in the mouth, swallowed blood may cause nausea and vomiting
- Apply cold compress to the bridge of his nose and forehead
- Loosen tight clothing
- If the bleeding has not stopped, continue treatment for a further 10 minutes
- If the bleeding persist after 30 minutes, ask for medical aid
- Ask the patient not to blow the nose for a couple of hours even if the bleeding has stopped

4. Epileptic Fit
- If the patient is falling, try to support or ease the fall and lay down gently
- Open his airway and loosen tight clothing, place something soft under his head
- Control his movements only as far as necessary to prevent him from hurting himself
- Don't forcibly restrain the patient
- Don't put anything in the mouth or try to open it
- When the convulsions cease, place the patient in the recovery position
- Advise the patient to inform doctor about the latest attack once he is fully recovered

Damn !

Astaga !!!!
gak tau mau marah ama siapa, ke thu company apa diri sendiri...tapi lebih enakan marah ke sono siy jadi ya....shit !!! nyebelin banget sih ya thu perusahaan fitnesan. fuhh, awalnya gini nih, iseng lewat cuma mau nanya aja brosur yg bsa dibaca sapa tau aye cucok n mau coba ikut, eh lgsung dong diseret dgn gaya persuasifnya yg sok profesional dgn rada memaksa keliling thu ruang demi ruang orang2 dgn keringatnya yg berlinangan. beuhh.waks. offering bla bla bla. akhirnya dgn tidak menyebut2 price buat personal trainer, bahkan gak nyebut2 ada personal trainer yg kudu dibayar diluar perjanjian...yg ternyata sekali dateng suruh bayar 600 an ribu ajah!!! taunya itu udah pasti dong ya setelah aye udah tanda tgan program setaun buat jadi member yg katanya per month bayarnya. Trusssssss....ya gak mgkin dong aye mau bayar thu trainer...amit2 jabang jakarte kan (baca:abang). ya udin dong...setelah hampir sebulan bikin thu member kampret di perusahaan kampret, krena sibuk gawe gak sempet sama sekali dateng, yg intinya saya kasi zakat fitrah ke thu perusahaan parasit 300 rebu (bulanan kan sekitar segitu), ya dipikir2 mending cancel aja thu member,krena gak bakal sempet, ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, ternyata katanya
"yes, u can cancel ur member, but u cant refund ur a year payment" ternyata waktu ptama lgsung bayar gesek 5 jeti aja (Shiiittt*******) *ini yang disensor apanya ya ? LOL
Breath in...breathe out.....
katanya bayarnya bulanan....ternyata yg dimaksud mereka "we meant that uve to pay monthly to ur creditcard, bcoz we already take ur full payment"
stupiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiidddddddddddddddddddddddddd !!

breathe in..breathe out....
ya gw taulah ya pliss deh kalo gesek itu ya bayarnya ke banknya monyongg...!masalahnya dulu mereka blg bayar ke merekanya montly..thats very big difference here! halloooooo...any brain at home????

yah jadi intinya....duit gw udah ilang 5 jeti (*&%^$*%#%^%*^*&) buat something gak penting, bayar sumbangan ke perusahaan gak penting lbh tepatnya....
GGGGRRRRHHH that F****** B****** M*********** S***** AARRgghhhhhhh

Breath in.......breath out.........
Lord pls forgive my foul languages.....iks

Fire Your Self Up !

1. Hidup memberi kita banyak pelajaran, tergantung pada kita, apakah kita mau mempelajarinya.
2. Kita tak bisa memilih bagaimana kita meninggal atau kapan, Kita hanya dapat memutuskan bagaimana kita hidup, Sekarang.
3. Orang yang bertanya, bodoh dalam 5 menit. Dan orang yang tidak bertanya akan tetap bodoh untuk selamanya.
4. Setiap masalah punya hadiah untuk anda ditangannya.
5. Jika anda menunggu sampai bisa melakukan segala sesuatu untuk semua orang, daripada melakukan sesuatu untuk seseorang, anda tidak akan melakukan apapun untuk siapapun.
6. Orang yang bicara terlalu banyak tentang dirinya sendiri dapat berarti menutupi dirinya sendiri.
7. Tak seorangpun bisa kembali ke masa lalu dan memulai awal baru. Namun semua orang dapat memulai dari sekarang dan membuat akhir yang sama sekali baru.
8. Pertumbuhan dimulai ketika kita mulai menerima kelemahan kelemahan kita sendiri.
9. Orang mungkin akan meragukan apa yang anda katakan, tapi mereka akan percaya dengan apa yang anda lakukan.
10. Kita bisa melempar batu. Mengeluh tentang batu, tersandung batu, naik di atas batu, atau membangun dengannya.
11. Anda bosan dengan hidup anda?? Terjunkan diri anda ke dalam pekerjaan yang anda yakini dengan sepenuh hati. Hidup dan mati untuk pekerjaan itu, dan anda akan menemukan kebahagiaan yang anda pikir tak pernah akan menjadi milik anda.
12. Satu-satunya orang di dunia yang bisa menentukan anda sukses atau gagal adalah diri anda sendiri !

Stress Management

Signs & Symptoms Of Stress


- Headache - Facial/jaw pain - Breathlessness
- Difficulty in swallowing - Mouth ulcers - Dry mouth and throat
- Dizziness - Slurred or stuttering speech - Neck pain
- Aching muscles - Weakness - Backaches
- Diarrhea - Nausea/vomiting - Constipation
- Chest pains - Weight loss/gain - Stomach pain/cramps
- Frequent urinating - Heartburn - Skin problems
- Sexual problems - Cold hands/feet - Palpitations
- High blood pressure - Insomnia - Excessive sweating
- Increased allergies - Chronic fatique - Excessive sleeping
- Accident proneness - Frequent cold/flu - Swollen joints
- Trembling/nervous - Alteration of menstrual pattern


- Irritability- Loss of memory/concentration- Anger
- Unusual aggressiveness- Nervousness- Anxiety- Depression
- Restlessness/excitability- Withdrawal from others- Disorientation
- Impulsive behavior- Inability to make decisions- Worry
- Feelings of panic- Thoughts of suicide- Cynicism- Unhappiness
- Frequent episodes of crying- Lack of interest in sex
- Feeling of losing control- Loss of confidence - Loss of enthusiasm
- Periods of confusion- Lack of self-esteem- Feeling Apprehensive
- Loss of sense of humor- Frustration- Moodiness- Nightmares
- Feelings of helplessness- Neurotic behavior- Dissatisfaction


- Dependence on drugs- Taking work home- Difficulty in making decisions
- Consistently working late- Grinding teeth- Poor time management
- High pitched nervous laughter- Foot/finger tapping- Nail bitting
- Hair pulling/twirling- Loss of appetite- Major weight loss/gain
- Compulsive eating/dieting- Pacing the floor- Chronic procrastination
- Chronic tardiness- Increased smoking- Wrinkling forehead
- Increased alcohol consumption- Loss of interest in daily event
- Shutdown of emotions- Loss interest in physical appearance
- Being too busy to take time off for holidays.exercise/hobbies
- Tears near to surface with no apparent reason

Please remember :
These signs & symptoms are not exclusively limited to stress and may indicate other problems

Ways Of Coping With Stress

- Plan your day and give yourself sufficient time to prepare
- Try not to schedule more than one stressful activity at the same time
- Prioritize
- Be realistic
- Have short and long term goals
- Understand and aware of your concentration span and energy curve
- Break projects down into smaller parts
- Pace yourself
- Learn to delegate
- Ask for help when necessary
- Allow yourself a feeling of satisfaction when you achieve something
- Allow time for rest, relaxation, physical exercise and enjoyment of life
- Take pleasure in everyday activities at work and at home
- Express feelings and emotions
- Talk to colleague, friend or relative about problems
- Smile and laugh
- Learn yoga, tai chi, meditation techniques
- Eat fresh foods and avoid drinking too much coffee or tea
- Cut down on drinking and smoking
- Be assertive
- Learn to say "NO"
- Improve your skills
- If you cannot change a situation, accept it and move on

Sources Of Help

- Family
- Friends
- Colleagues
- Educational Organizations (Training courses, qualifications)
- Clubs and Gyms
- Organizations such as Samaritans, Alcoholic Anonymous, Kely support group
- Counseling Group (Employee Assistance Program-EAP)