Sunday 6 December 2009

First Aid Kit

1. Faint
- Lay the patient down and raise legs. If the patient cant lie down, put his head between his knees.
- Loosen tight clothing, allow plenty of fresh air.
- Inhale Ammonia Inhalant if necessary.
- Dont leave patient unattended
- When the patient regains consciousness gradually raise the patient and give sips of water

2. Unconsciousness
- Open the airway
- Check the breathing (a) if the breathing has stopped, mouth to mouth resuscitation (b) if breathing and pulse stopped, start CPR immediately
- if both present, place him in the recovery position with head turned to one side
- Loosen tight clothing
- Give oxygen if necessary
- Keep patient warm
- Get medical aid immediately

NB. Dont leave patient unattended and keep close observation, Dont give anything by mouth.

3. Nose Bleeding
- Sit the patient down with the head slightly forward
- Pinch the soft part of the nose firmly for 5-10 minutes
- Advise him to breath through the mouth and not to blow the nose
- Tell the patient to spit out any blood in the mouth, swallowed blood may cause nausea and vomiting
- Apply cold compress to the bridge of his nose and forehead
- Loosen tight clothing
- If the bleeding has not stopped, continue treatment for a further 10 minutes
- If the bleeding persist after 30 minutes, ask for medical aid
- Ask the patient not to blow the nose for a couple of hours even if the bleeding has stopped

4. Epileptic Fit
- If the patient is falling, try to support or ease the fall and lay down gently
- Open his airway and loosen tight clothing, place something soft under his head
- Control his movements only as far as necessary to prevent him from hurting himself
- Don't forcibly restrain the patient
- Don't put anything in the mouth or try to open it
- When the convulsions cease, place the patient in the recovery position
- Advise the patient to inform doctor about the latest attack once he is fully recovered

1 comment:

  1. hoooooh begitu toh penanganannya. Gw pernah nyaris pengsan dan pengsan tp malah digeletakkin doang di atas t4 tidur. Lain x kalo aye mo pengsan nyariin elo dulu dah biar pas perawatannya wakakakakka
